Page Properties |
Field Label | Event Type |
Field Name | event_type |
Question ID | Q038 |
Field Location | Event tab |
Use Assumptions | 9 opens {device_type}, {device_event} and {fda} 14 opens {fall_assist}, {fall_observe}, {fall_med}, {fall_assess}, {fall_risk}, {fall_factors}, {fall_device}, {fall_injury}, {fall_activity}, {fall_careplan} and {fall_inuse} 15 opens {hai_type}, {hai_admit} and {hai_pathogen} 19 opens {med_event}, {med_type}, {med_name_1}, {med_rx_1}, {med_given_1}, {med_name_2}, {med_rx_2}, {med_given_2}, {med_name_3}, {med_rx_3}, {med_given_3}, {med_name_4}, {med_rx_4}, {med_given_4}, {med_name_5}, {med_rx_5}, {med_given_5}, {med_origin} and {med_extra}, 21 opens {pu_stage}, {pu_admit}, {pu_location}, {pu_inspection}, {pu_assess}, {pu_intervention}, and {pu_device} |
Required | Yes
Data Type | Character |
Setting | Nursing Facility |
Old Field Name | [adv_evnt_chk_box].event_category_code is A [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbAspirationChoking; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbBurn; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbDeviceEquipment; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbElectricShock; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbElopement; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbFacilityInfection; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbFall; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbFoodAllergy; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbMedicationError; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbMedicationAllergy; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbOther; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbPoisoning; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbRelatedToRestraints; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbStrangulation; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbSuicide; [adv_evnt_chk_box].cbTreatmentRelated |
AHRQ Mapping | DE21, DE486, DE495, (DE110 only if {harm}=6 or 7 or 8 or 9) |
OPSC Staff NotesEvents were part of a much more complicated system in the old database. ResponsesResponse CodesAnswer ID | Answer Code | Answer Value | A | H | N | P |
A0379 | 3 | Aspiration | | | 
| | A0382 | 33 | Burn (unrelated to the use or misuse of a device) | | | 
| | A0383 | 6 | Care delay (including delay in treatment, diagnosis) | | | 
| | A0408 | 28 | Choking | | | 
| | A0412 | 34 | Contractures | | | 
| | A0413 | 35 | Dehydration | | | 
| | A0387 | 39 | Device or medical supply (including use error) | | | 
| | A0414 | 36 | Diabetic coma | | | 
| | A0389 | 32 | Discharge or release of a patient/resident of any age, who is unable to make decisions, to an unauthorized person | | | 
| | A0391 | 12 | Elopement | | | 
| | A0394 | 14 | Fall | | | 
| | A0415 | 37 | Fecal impaction | | | 
| | A0395 | 15 | Healthcare-associated infection (HAI) | | | 
| | A0416 | 38 | Intravascular embolisms related to IV therapy | | | 
| | A0399 | 19 | Medication or other substance | | | 
| | A0401 | 21 | Pressure injury | | | 
| | A0409 | 29 | Resident transfer related | | | 
| | A0403 | 23 | Restraint or bedrail related | | | 
| | A0410 | 30 | Strangulation | | | 
| | A0404 | 24 | Suicide or attempted suicide | | | 
| | A0407 | 27 | Other event (please describe) | | | 
| |
Determination of the nursing faciliity event type that is being reported.
Note |
This page defines nursing facility event types. Click here for ambulatory surgery center event types. Click here for hospital event types. Click here for pharmacy event types. |
On-Screen Instructions
Check all that apply. Please note: “Poisoning” should be submitted as “Other.” “Food allergy” and “medication allergy” should be submitted as “Medication or other substance.” The event type “Treatment related” has been split into “Contractures,” “Dehydration,” “Diabetic coma,” “Fecal impaction,” “Intravascular embolisms related to IV therapy,” and “Pressure ulcer.”
Field Type
Checkbox (multiselect)
[If there is an appendix with answer options and definitions, that content goes here. Otherwise just list the available answer options without the answerID and answerCode.]
User Interface
Nursing Facility
Field Location
Event tab
Determination of the event type that is being reported.
On-screen Prompt
Check all that apply. Please note: “Poisoning” should be submitted as “Other.” “Food allergy” and “medication allergy” should be submitted as “Medication or other substance.” The event type “Treatment related” has been split into “Contractures,” “Dehydration,” “Diabetic coma,” “Fecal impaction,” “Intravascular embolisms related to IV therapy,” and “Pressure ulcer.”
Field Type
Start Date | Spring 2012 |
End Date | n/a |
Change History | n/a |