Remove all [bracketed] and/or red text before publishing! And also the purple note panels!
[Bracketed] text should be replaced with actual content.
Red text is instructional.
Header Case
Title of page and response option headers should be sentence case (to match how they display in the online system).
Other headers in page that aren’t response options should be title case (Description, On-Screen Instructions, etc.).
Page Properties | |||||||
| |||||||
Use form_field and any relevant segment labels (asc, hospital, nursingfacility, pharmacy)
Use the relevant section label (e.g., surgical_event, event_information)
Note: event-specific fields should be tagged with the associated event type (e.g., surgical_event, fall_event) and NOT with overarching header “event_information”)
Use required if the field is required to submit for all reports.
For example, “it is required if it appears” should not be labeled “required.”
Use essential if the field is a top priority for transferring the data dictionary.
Note: if the field is required, it will already be considered “essential” and doesn’t need a second label.
All “essential” labels will need to be removed before the data dictionary goes live.
[Brief description of what this field is collecting]
On-Screen Instructions
[Prompt text as it appears in the user interface.]
Prompt Text
If none or if field does not appear on-screen, put “n/a.” Use “include page” macro where possible (see examples below).
Determination of tasks being performed as part of multitasking
On-Screen Instructions
Include Page | ||||
Field Type
Field Type
Include Page |
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Number (minimum value: x; maximum value: x) [Delete min &/or max values if irrelevant]
Text (maximum length: x) [Delete maximum length if irrelevant]
Time (hh:mm)
OPTION ONE: Answer options with content (definition and/or inclusions, exclusions)
Add an anchor in front of the H1 “Responses” heading and name the anchor “Top.”
Include a table of contents, which should be limited to the answer option headers and displayed as a list.
Add a dividing line macro below the table of contents.
Table of Contents | ||||||
Answer Option Anchors and Headings
Info |
[If there is a very important piece of information about this answer option - like that it is always considered a serious event - display that between the answer option header and definition using an info panel macro.] |
Copy/paste the “description” text from the data dictionary. If there are inclusions and exclusions but no definition, delete the line for the definition and the includes/exclusions can go directly under the header.
If there is no definition and no inclusions or exclusions, paste the include page macro displaying “no additional guidance” instead. Each existing answer option should be listed here even if it’s not specifically defined.
Inclusions and Exclusions
Add a page layout of two equal columns below the definition. Inclusions go in the left column, exclusions in the right.
If there are no inclusions or exclusions, delete this macro.
If there are inclusions but no exclusions, or vice versa, leave the empty header with no bullet point below.
Event-Type Specific Questions
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||
Additional Support
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||
Event-Type Specific Questions
If the answer option triggers additional question, add a content by label macro to display all pages that share the form_field label plus the relevant answer option label, possibly plus the relevant segment label, depending on the situation. The macro goes in a single cell table with a light gray fill. The title above the macro should just be table text, bold (no header level), that reads: Event-Type Specific Questions.
Additional Support
If the answer option is associated with an “faq” item, add a second row to the table and paste in a content by label macro to display all pages that share the faq label plus the relevant answer option label, possibly plus the relevant segment label, depending on the situation. Macro should have title “Additional Support” in the table cell, above it, as with the “Event specific questions” macro.
Return to Top Links
Dividing Line
Add a dividing line after the “return to top” link and before the next answer option, or the next section (probably “Guide for Use”).
OPTION TWO: Answer options without content
Just list the available answer options without the answerID and answerCode.
[Answer option 1]
[Answer option 2]
[Answer option 3]
Guide for Use
[If there is a adequate information about each answer option, this section may not be necessary. But if there is guidance that isn’t about the specific responses, then this is where you would put it, including instructions for how to use this field. If there is no guidance, you can use the “No additional guidance” excerpt: ]
[If one of the answer options is “Other (please describe)”, include the following include page macro:]
Counseling or answering patient questions
Filling more than two prescriptions for the patient at the same time
Filling prescriptions for more than one patient at the same time
Responding to requests from pharmacy technicians or other staff
Talking with prescribing provider
Other (please describe)
Guide for Use
Include Page | ||||
In Option 2, this is where one would put an “Additional Support” or “Event-type Specific Questions” Content by Label macro in a single-cell table with light gray fill.
Additional Support
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||
Start Date |
2013 | |
End Date | n/a |
Change History | n/a |