OPSC Staff Notes
[Additional information about field, if necessary]
Response Codes
Answer ID
Answer Code
Answer Value
[Answer text as it appears on screen]
[Brief description of what this field is collecting]
On-Screen Instructions
[Prompt text as it appears in the user interface. If none, put “n/a.” If field does not appear on-screen delete this header.]
Field Type
[Type of field, i.e. date/time, text, dropdown (single select), radio button (single select), checkbox (multiselect), true/false, yes/no, etc.]
Maximum Length: [Maximum length of response, if applicable. Remove this header if the field is not a text field.]
Minimum Value: [Lowest value a number field will accept. Remove this header if the field is not a number field.]
Page Properties | ||
Field Label
[Text of the question that appears onscreen in the online system, if applicable. If field does not appear in onscreen, put “n/a”.]
Field Name
[Field Name or Attribute Name as it appears in the database]
Question ID
[Unique id for each question, directing to Question Master Table.]
Field Location
[Section of the form in which field is found]
[Default answer value, if applicable. Remove this row if there is no default answer.]
Use Assumptions
[What triggers this field, if anything? Does it trigger other fields, like an “other text” field? If staff only, put “staff only.” If none or extract only, put “n/a”. ]
[Is this field required for submission? Yes,
No, n/a. Include any rules applied to the field before submission is allowed.]
[Which reporting programs use this field]
Data Type
[Format in which data is stored in database, i.e. character, number, date/time, etc.]
Old Field Name
[Field name from pre-PSRP database]
AHRQ Mapping
[Data element to which PSRP field maps]
Determination of which contributing factor(s) related to communication are known.
Info |
Communication factors may be related to any spoken or written communication between anyone in a facility, including, but not limited to, providers, staff, patients, and patient families. Ineffective communication is communication that was inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, misunderstood by the recipient, or not timely. |
On-Screen Instructions
Include Page | ||||
Field Type
Include Page | ||||
Anchor | ||||
[OPTION ONE: Very many answer options with a lot of content]
[Table of contents should be limited to the answer options.]
Table of Contents | |||
title | Definition |
Each answer option gets an anchor and a heading 2. It also gets an expand macro with the title “definition.” Inclusions and exclusions go in the expand macro, below which should be a link to the “top” anchor to take the user back to the responses table of content. Example page: https://oregonpsc.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=2087354595
[If the answer option triggers additional question, add a content by label macro to display all pages that share the form_field label plus the relevant answer option label, possibly plus the relevant segment label, depending on the situation. Macro should have title “Related Content.”]
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||||
[If the answer option is associated with an “faq” item, add a content by label macro to display all pages that share the faq label plus the relevant answer option label, possibly plus the relevant segment label, depending on the situation. Macro should have title “Additional Support.”]
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||||
[OPTION TWO: several answer options with limited content]
[Each answer option gets an anchor and a heading 2. It does not get an expand macro. The definition is unlabeled and goes here, where this text is. Inclusions and exclusions go below it. There is no “top” anchor or “return to top.” Example page: Anesthesia event type ]
[In this version, there is one “Related Content” content by label macro and it goes under “additional guidance, below.]
[OPTION THREE: a very large table]
[If there is an appendix with answer options and definitions, that content goes in the table. Example page: Event Type (Hospitals).]
[Item name in bold]
[Description of the item.]
INCLUDES: [inclusions; separate inclusions with semicolons]
EXCLUDES: [exclusions (choose “appropriate answer option” instead); separate exclusions with semicolons (and always tell the user what to do instead)]
[Any “related content” or “additional support” content by label macros would go in the table cell below the inclusions and exclusions. BUT it feels maybe not easy to see or understand what it is?]
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||||
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||||
[Item name in bold]
[Description of the item.]
INCLUDES: [inclusions; separate inclusions with semicolons]
EXCLUDES: [exclusions (choose “appropriate answer option” instead); separate exclusions with semicolons (and always tell the user what to do instead)]
[Alternatively, the “related content” or “additional support” could be manually entered in an info panel macro. Easier to see that it’s something different, BUT a lot more manual updating work. ]
Info |
Additional Support |
[OPTION FOUR: a very short list]
[Just list the available answer options without the answerID and answerCode. Example page: Was a briefing conducted prior to the induction of anesthesia?]
Answer option 1
Answer option 2
Answer option 3
Additional Guidance
Healthcare Team Member Factors
Anchor | ||||
Ineffective communication between representatives of different units or departments in a facility contributed to the event.
One or more units within a facility
Misinterpreted communication
Incomplete, not timely, or inaccurate communication
Communication among healthcare professionals working within a designated team or service (select “Among interdisciplinary teams")
Communication related to handoffs, handovers or shift reports (select “Handoffs, handovers or shift reports”)
Communication between units at different facilities in the same healthcare system (select “With other organizations or outside providers”)
Anchor | ||||
Ineffective communication among any group of healthcare professionals from diverse fields who work to coordinate the care of a patient in a facility contributed to the event.
Healthcare professionals in different disciplines working within a designated team or service (e.g., Rapid Response, Code Blue, Infection Prevention, Surgical team)
Communication related to handoffs, handovers or shift reports (select “Handoffs, handovers or shift reports”)
Communication between unit staff and supervisor or manager (select “Between supervisor and staff”)
Anchor | ||||
Ineffective communication between provider and staff in a facility contributed to the event.
Staff does not communicate with provider
Provider does not communicate with staff
Misinterpreted communication
Incomplete, not timely, or inaccurate communication
Communication related to handoffs, handovers or shift reports (select “Handoffs, handovers or shift reports”)
Communication between unit staff and supervisor or manager (select “Between supervisor and staff”)
Communication among healthcare professionals working within a designated team or service (select “Among interdisciplinary teams”)
Anchor | ||||
Ineffective communication between supervisor and staff in a facility contributed to the event.
Misinterpreted communication
Incomplete, not timely, or inaccurate communication
Communication related to handoffs, handovers or shift reports (select “Handoffs, handovers or shift reports”)
Communication among healthcare professionals working within a designated team or service (select “Among interdisciplinary teams”)
Anchor | ||||
Ineffective communication related to handoffs, handovers or shift reports in a facility or between facilities contributed to the event.
All healthcare professionals
Misinterpreted communication
Incomplete, not timely, or inaccurate communication
Transfers of patients from one facility to another (also select “With other organizations or outside providers”)
Communication between unit staff and supervisor or manager (select “Between supervisor and staff”)
Communication among healthcare professionals working within a designated team or service (select “Among interdisciplinary teams”)
Anchor | ||||
Hard to read handwriting or a hard to read fax contributed to the event.
Illegible printing or handwriting
Printing too light to read clearly
A healthcare professional’s temporary notes to self
Include Page | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Ineffective communication within a unit in a facility contributed to the event.
Include Page | ||||
Across staff on multiple units (select “Across units”)
Communication related to handoffs, handovers or shift reports (select “Handoffs, handovers or shift reports”)
Communication between unit staff and supervisor or manager (select “Between supervisor and staff”)
Communication among healthcare professionals working within a designated team or service (select “Among interdisciplinary teams”)
Anchor | ||||
Ineffective communication with other organizations or outside providers contributed to the event.
Different facility or location within the same healthcare system
Include Page | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Any other factor related to communication among facility personnel, not included in the list above, which contributed to the event.
Inadequate available information that is not covered by one of the existing factors
Include Page | ||||
Patient and Family Factors
Anchor | ||||
Ineffective communication related to cultural differences between facility personnel and the patient or patient’s family contributed to the event.
Failure to recognize cultural prohibitions and preferences
Language barriers (select “Language”)
Anchor | ||||
A component of language that impacted the communication between patients and facility personnel contributed to the event.
Spoken language
American Sign Language (ASL)
Pronunciation or accent
Lack of or inappropriate translation services
Include Page | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Miscommunication between facility personnel and the patient or patient’s family contributed to the event.
Incorrect information regarding condition, medications, etc., provided to or by patient or patient’s family
Misunderstood or incorrect discharge instructions (select “Understanding discharge instructions or plan”)
Anchor | ||||
Patient does not use call light to communicate needs with staff.
Any reason a patient does not use a call light (e.g., patient cannot remember to use call light, patient desire for privacy or independence, patient does not want to bother staff)
Call light not available (select “Device , equipment, or supply Availability”)
Call light not working (select “Device, equipment, or supply Function (e.g., defective, non-working)”)
Call light alarms turned off (select “Device, equipment, or supply Use or selection by healthcare provider or staff” or “Device, equipment, or supply Use by patient”)
Patient not provided instruction for using call light (select “Miscommunication”)
Anchor | ||||
Patient’s physical inability to communicate contributed to the event.
Nonverbal patient
Patient unable to communicate due to clinical condition (e.g., ventilated, comatose)
Patient provides incorrect information or fails to disclose information to care team (select “Miscommunication”)
Patient is difficult to understand (select “Miscommunication”)
Patient has language barrier (select “Language”)
Anchor | ||||
Ineffective communication impacting the patient’s understanding of discharge instructions or discharge plan contributed to the event.
Missing, incomplete, or inaccurate information about: medications; next appointment; limitations; indications for provider evaluation of symptoms after discharge from facility
Ineffective communication of discharge instructions (either written or verbal)
Lack of confirmation of patient understanding
Include Page | ||||
[In Option 2, this is where one would put a “related content” content by label macro.]
Additional Support
Anchor | ||||
Any other factor related to communication between facility staff or providers and the patient or patient's family not included in the list above, which contributed to the event.
Guide for Use
Include Page | ||||
Start Date |
2006 | |
End Date | n/a |
Change History |
Spring 2012: PSRP Implementation March 2013: added “Understanding discharge instructions or plan” for ASCs May 2013: added “Understanding discharge instructions or plan” for hospitals January 2016: added “Patient did not use call light” and “Patient unable to communicate” | |
Field Name | cf_comm_f |