Determination of which contributing factor(s) related to communication are known.
On-Screen Instructions
Select all that apply.
Field Type
Checkbox (multiselect)
Healthcare Team Member Factors
Among pharmacy staff
Ineffective communication among staff in a single pharmacy location contributed to the event.
Communication among pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy interns, other pharmacy staff
Misinterpreted communication
Incomplete, not timely, or inaccurate communication
Communication between staff of different pharmacies within the same system or corporation (select “With prescribing providers or other outside organizations”)
Between manager or pharmacist and staff
Ineffective communication between managers and staff or pharmacists and staff in a pharmacy contributed to the event.
Pharmacist-in-charge or lead pharmacist and staff
Misinterpreted communication
Incomplete, not timely, or inaccurate communication
Communication between provider and pharmacy staff working within the same health system (select “Communication with prescribing physician or other outside organizations”)
Hard to read fax or handwriting
Hard to read handwriting or a hard to read fax contributed to the event.
Illegible printing or handwriting
Printing too light to read clearly
A healthcare professional’s temporary notes to self
Notes transcribed from a phoned-in prescription
With prescribing provider or other organizations
Ineffective communication with prescribing providers or outside organizations contributed to the event.
Different pharmacy or location within the same healthcare system
External healthcare professionals
Other healthcare team member factors (please describe)
Any other factor related to communication among facility personnel, not included in the list above, which contributed to the event.
Inadequate available information that is not covered by one of the existing factors
Patient and Family Factors
Ineffective communication related to cultural differences between facility personnel and the patient or patient’s family contributed to the event.
Failure to recognize cultural prohibitions and preferences
Language barriers (select “Language”)
A component of language that impacted the communication between patients and facility personnel contributed to the event.
Between staff and patient
Ineffective communication between staff and patient contributed to the event.
Incorrect information regarding condition, medications, etc., provided to or by patient or patient’s family
Directions were misinterpreted by patient, family or caregiver (select “Misinterpreted directions”)
Misinterpreted directions
Misinterpretation by the patient, patient’s family, or patient’s caregiver of the directions provided by pharmacist (either written or verbal) during counseling contributed to the event.
Providing incorrect or contradictory directions to the patient, their caregiver or family member (select “Between staff and patient”)
Other patient and family factors (please describe)
Any other factor related to communication between facility staff or providers and the patient or patient's family not included in the list above, which contributed to the event.
Additional Guidance
Communication factors may be related to any spoken or written communication between anyone in a facility, including, but not limited to, providers, staff, patients, and patient families. Ineffective communication is communication that was inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, misunderstood by the recipient, or not timely.
Start Date | 2006 |
End Date | n/a |
Change History | Spring 2012: PSRP Implementation January 2016: added “patient did not use call light” and “patient unable to communicate” |