Determination of the hospital event type that is being reported.
On-Screen Instructions
Select one.If the event consists of multiple event types, select only the precipitating event that best describes the situation. In rare cases, reports may involve two distinct adverse events in which case multiple adverse events may be selected.
Field Type
Checkbox (multiselect)Responses
Air Embolism
Patient death or serious injury associated with intravascular air embolism that occurs while being cared for in a healthcare facility.
High-risk procedures, other than neurosurgical procedures, that include, but are not limited to, procedures involving the head and neck, vaginal delivery and caesarean section, spinal instrumentation procedures, and liver transplantation
Low-risk procedures, including those related to lines placed for infusion of fluids in vascular space
Deaths associated with neurosurgical procedures known to present a high risk of intravascular air embolism
Incorrect anesthetic gas
Adverse reaction to anesthesia
Under- or oversedation
Malignant hyperthermia
Incorrect site anesthesia
Contaminated anesthetic gas (submit as “Contaminated, wrong or no gas given to a patient”)
Anesthetic medication (submit as “Medication or other substance”)
Oversedation associated with medications after the patient has left the PACU (submit as “Medication or other substance”)
Problem with device used in the delivery of anesthesia (submit as “Device or medical/surgical supply (including use error)”)
Event-Type Specific Questions |
Patient death or serious injury associated with an aspiration.
Aspiration pneumonia (submit as both “Aspiration” and “Healthcare-associated infection” events)
No additional information provided.Blood or blood product (including hemolytic reactions)
Patient death or serious injury associated with unsafe administration of blood products.
Hemolytic reaction
Mislabeled blood
Incorrect type
Incorrect blood product
Expired blood product
No additional information provided.Event-Type Specific Questions |
Burn (unrelated to the use or misuse of a device or medical/surgical supply)
Patient/resident death or serious physical injury associated with a second or third degree burn incurred from any source other than the use or misuse of a device or medical supply while being cared for in a healthcare facility.
Burn caused by something other than a piece of equipment or medical supply (e.g. hot water, sunburn, smoking in patient/resident care environment)
Burn caused by a piece of equipment or medical supply (submit as Device or medical/surgical supply (including use error))
Burn caused by MRI (submit as Radiologic)
Care delay (including delay in treatment, diagnosis)
Patient death or serious injury related to a delay in care, diagnosis, or treatment.
Delay in treatment or intervention
Delay in diagnosis
Delay in recognizing changing condition
Failure to rescue
Delay in notifying patient or provider of lab or radiology reports (submit as “Failure to follow up or communicate laboratory, pathology, or radiology test results”)
Contaminated drugs, devices or biologics
Patient death or serious injury associated with the use of contaminated drugs, devices, or biologics provided by the healthcare setting.
Contaminants in drugs, devices, or biologics regardless of the source of contamination and/or product
Threat of disease that changes patient’s risk status for life requiring medical monitoring not needed before the event
Administration of contaminated vaccine or medication (e.g., intramuscular antibiotic)
Serious infection from contaminated drug or device used in surgery or an invasive procedure (e.g., a scalpel)
Occurrences related to use of improperly cleaned or maintained device (e.g. unwashed medical equipment, unsterile instrument tray)
Contaminated gas (submit as “Contaminated, wrong or no gas given to a patient”)
Event-Type Specific Questions |
Contaminated, wrong or no gas given to a patient
“Contaminated, wrong or no gas given to a patient” is considered a serious event type regardless of patient harm.
Any incident in which systems designated for oxygen or other gas to be delivered to a patient contains no gas, the wrong gas, or is contaminated by toxic substances.
Anesthetic or medical gases
No additional information provided.Device or medical/surgical supply (including use error)
Patient death or serious injury associated with the use or function of a device or medical/surgical supply in patient care, in which the device is used or functions other than as intended.
Use error
Scans read on wrong monitor
Non-functional/unavailable scanning equipment
Patient misuse of equipment at home
Latex gloves used for a procedure on a latex allergic patient
Problem with device used in the delivery of anesthesia
Incorrect implant (submit as “Surgical or other invasive procedure” event)
Incorrect graft tissue (submit as “Surgical or other invasive procedure” event)
Unavailable equipment during a surgical procedure (submit as “Surgical or other invasive procedure” event)
Using expired bone matrix admixture in a procedure (submit as “Expired medication or substance”)
Event-Type Specific Questions |
Additional Support |
Discharge or release of a patient of any age, who is unable to make decisions, to an unauthorized person
“Discharge or release of a patient of any age, who is unable to make decisions, to an unauthorized person” is considered a serious event type regardless of patient harm.
Discharge or release of a patient of any age, who is unable to make decisions, to an unauthorized person.
Adults with cognitive impairments (e.g., Alzheimer’s and dementia)
Events involving competent adults with decision-making capacity who leave against medical advice or voluntarily leave without being seen
Electric shock
Patient or staff death or serious injury associated with an electric shock in the course of a patient care process in a healthcare setting.
Patient death or injury associated with unintended electric shock during the course of care or treatment
Events involving patients during planned treatments such as electric countershock/elective cardioversion
Patient death or injury associated with emergency defibrillation in ventricular fibrillation or with electroconvulsive therapies
Injury to staff who are not involved in patient care
Patient death or serious injury associated with patient elopement (disappearance).
Events that occur after the individual presents him/herself for care in a healthcare setting
Events involving competent adults with decision-making capacity who leave against medical advice or voluntarily leave without being seen
Death or serious injury that occurs (after the patient is located) due to circumstances unrelated to the elopement
Failure to follow up or communicate laboratory, pathology, or radiology test results
Patient death or serious injury resulting from failure to follow up or communicate laboratory, pathology, or radiology test results.
Delay in notifying patient or provider of lab or radiology reports
Misreporting critical test results
Failure to identify and treat hyperbilirubinemia in neonate (hyperbilirubinemia is defined as bilirubin levels >30 mg/dl in neonates)
Mislabeled pathology
Lab error resulting in transfer of patient to another facility
Omitted tests
Incorrect results
Biological specimens that cannot be replaced associated with mislabeled pathology (submit as “Irretrievable loss of an irreplaceable biologic specimen”)
Patient death or serious injury associated with a fall while being cared for in a healthcare setting. “Fall” refers to unintentionally coming to rest on the ground, floor, or other lower level, but not as a result of an overwhelming external force (e.g., resident pushes another resident). An episode where a resident lost his/her balance and would have fallen, if not for staff intervention, is considered a fall. A fall without injury is still a fall. Unless there is evidence suggesting otherwise, when a resident is found on the floor, a fall is considered to have occurred.
Falls resulting in fractures, head injuries, intracranial hemorrhage
Newborn or infant drops
Patient falls or drops from equipment (e.g., bed, lift)
Falls associated with suicide or attempted suicide (submit as “Suicide or attempted suicide”)
Event-Type Specific Questions |
Additional Support |
Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)
Patient death or serious injury associated with an infection acquired while being cared for in a healthcare setting.
Infections acquired in the acute care setting that result in readmission, increased length of stay, or cause/contribute to patient death
Primary blood stream infections
Central line associated blood stream infections (CLABSI)
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)
Surgical site infection (SSI)
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)
Infections present or incubating on admission treated and eliminated prior to discharge
Infection resulting from contaminated device, drug or biologic (submit as “Contaminated device, drug or biologic”)
Event-Type Specific Questions |
Additional Support |
Irretrievable loss of irreplaceable biological specimen
Patient death or serious injury resulting from the irretrievable loss of an irreplaceable biological specimen.
Biological specimens that cannot be replaced associated with mislabeled pathology, lab error resulting in transfer of patient to another facility, omitted tests, or incorrect results
Miscommunicated or lost laboratory, pathology, or radiology test results (submit as “Failure to follow up or communicate laboratory, pathology, or radiology test results”)
Biological specimens that can be replaced associated with mislabeled pathology, lab error resulting in transfer of patient to another facility, omitted tests, or incorrect results (submit as “Failure to follow up or communicate laboratory, pathology, or radiology test results”)
Mislabeled blood (submit as “Blood or blood product”)
Lost specimen that is not noticed until later (submit as “Other”)
Death or serious injury of a woman associated with labor or delivery while being cared for in a healthcare facility.
Maternal death
Third or fourth degree perineal lacerations or tears
Uterine rupture
Deaths from pulmonary or amniotic fluid embolism
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
Event-Type Specific Questions |
Additional Support |
Medication or other substance
Patient death or serious injury associated with a medication or other substance.
Adverse reaction
Allergic reaction
Anesthetic medication
Contrast media or other diagnostic substances
Drug interaction
Expired medication or substance
Incorrect dosage form
Incorrect dose
Incorrect medication or substance
Incorrect or incomplete labeling
Incorrect patient
Incorrect preparation
Incorrect rate
Incorrect route of administration
Incorrect time
Incorrect strength or concentration
Omission or discontinuation
Reasonable differences in clinical judgment on drug selection and dose
Adverse reaction to anesthesia (submit as “Anesthesia”)
Blood product (submit as “Blood or blood product”)
Event-Type Specific Questions |
Death or serious injury of a fetus or neonate during the perinatal period associated with labor or delivery while being cared for in a healthcare facility.
Shoulder dystocia
Neonatal resuscitation
Newborn death
Fetal demise
Events that occur outside of the perinatal period (which extends from the 20th week of gestation through 4 weeks (28 days) postpartum)
Event-Type Specific Questions |
Additional Support |
Pressure injury
Any Stage 3, Stage 4, and unstageable pressure ulcers acquired after admission/presentation to a healthcare setting.
Stage 3 or 4 pressure ulcers, or pressure ulcers present on admission that progressed during the patient’s stay (see exception below)
Suspected deep tissue injuries
Unstageable pressure ulcers
Those that were not present on admission and occurred prior to patient discharge (i.e., newly-developed)
Progression from Stage 2 to Stage 3 if Stage 2 was recognized upon admission
Pressure ulcers that develop in areas where deep tissue injury is documented as present on admission/presentation
Event-Type Specific Questions |
Patient death or serious injury associated with radiologic treatment.
The NQF Serious Reportable Event “death or serious injury of a patient associated with the introduction of a metallic object into the MRI area”
MRI too small for patient on which it was used
Patient overdosed by poorly calibrated CT or similar
Delivery of fluoroscopy or radiotherapy to the wrong region of the body
Burns resulting from MRI
Scans read on wrong monitor (submit as “Device or medical/surgical supply”)
Non-functional/unavailable scanning equipment (submit as “Device or medical/surgical supply”)
Restraint or bedrail related
Patient death or serious injury associated with the use of restraints or bedrails while being cared for in a healthcare facility.
Suicide (submit as “Suicide or attempted suicide”)
Suicide or attempted suicide
Patient suicide or attempted suicide resulting in serious physical injury, while being cared for in a healthcare facility.
Events that result from patient actions after admission to a healthcare facility
Deaths resulting from self-inflicted injuries that were the reason for admission/presentation to the healthcare facility
Surgical or other invasive procedure
Patient death or serious injury associated with a surgery or invasive procedure and any injury resulting from an incorrect patient, incorrect site surgery or invasive procedure, or incorrect procedure event.
Dehiscence, flap or would failure or disruption, or graft failure
Iatrogenic pneumothorax
Incorrect implant
Injection into joints
Lens implants
Lesion removal
Postop bleeding requiring return to operating room
Unintended blockage, obstruction, or ligation
Unplanned removal of an organ
Wrong graft tissue
No additional information provided.Event-Type Specific Questions |
Additional Support |
Unintended retained foreign object (includes retained surgical items)
Unintended retention of a foreign object in a patient after surgery or other invasive procedure.
Medical or surgical items intentionally placed by provider(s) that are unintentionally left in place
Objects not present prior to surgery/procedure that are intentionally left in when the risk of removal exceeds the risk of retention (such as some needles, broken screws)
Objects intentionally implanted as part of a planned intervention and objects present prior to surgery that were intentionally retained
Objects present prior to surgery or other invasive procedure that are intentionally left in place
Event-Type Specific Questions |
Other event (please describe)
Patient death or serious injury related to an event not otherwise included in the above categories.
Any unanticipated, usually preventable event that results in serious physical injury, even if the harm is temporary
Only events that are not related to the natural course of the patient’s illness or underlying condition
Injuries not related to another event; thromboembolism
Events related to poor discharge planning or inadequate patient assessment
Premature pronouncement of death
Transfer/transport related events
Events related to spinal manipulative therapy
Events related to the natural course of the patient’s illness or underlying condition
Injuries related to another event
Guide for Use
If “Other” is selected, a text box for a description will also appear.Additional Support
Sometimes an event seems to fit two or more event types. When completing a PSRP report, how do I determine the correct event(s)?
Even though an event may seem to fit more than one type, the Oregon Patient Safety Commission (OPSC) encourages participants to identify the primary event from which subsequent events resulted when completing a Patient Safety Reporting Program (PSRP) report. Identifying the primary event helps focus an investigation and determination of the root cause and increases the likelihood that action plans resulting from the investigation will truly prevent recurrence (see Scenario 1, below).
Not every PSRP report has a primary event; sometimes there are multiple, independent events that affect the same patient at the same time (see Scenario 2, below). Some are obviously related, but have different causes (e.g., the wrong medication is administered, resulting in respiratory distress, and the resuscitation equipment breaks). Other events may be more difficult to identify. For example, medication events can have multiple opportunities for a “good catch” before they reach the patient, making them seem like multiple events in retrospect (see Scenario 3, below). When determining the primary event, investigators should ask, “If one of these events had been prevented, would the others have still occurred?”
Scenario | Primary Event Type | Discussion | |
1 | A patient is misidentified, taken to the operating room, and the wrong procedure is performed. | Incorrect patient | Incorrect patient should be reported as the primary event. The incorrect procedure was a result of the patient misidentification. |
2 | In mixing three medications for topical administration, the first medication is added correctly, only half of the desired dose of the second medication is added, the third medication is omitted, and the container is left unlabeled. | This is three medication events:
| This is three medication events: (1) the patient received an incorrect dose of one medication, (2) the patient received no dose of another medication, and (3) the bottle was not labeled. There is no unifying primary event—they each happened independently. If the patient gets an incorrect dose of one medication and has another omitted because the bottle was labeled incorrectly, then it is one event because the incorrect dose and omission are direct results of the bad label (see Scenario 3, below). |
3 | Patients A and B are supposed to each get a mixture of the same three medications, though the proportions of the medications are different. The medications are both mixed, then the labels printed. In applying the labels, they are switched and Patient A and B each receive the other’s medication. | Incorrect/incomplete labeling | This is one medication event, incorrect label, because the subsequent incorrect medication would have been avoided if the bottles been correctly labeled. |
Start Date | Spring 2012 |
End Date | n/a |
Change History | May 2013: HIT removed as an event type. HIT was too hard to define as an event type, so it was moved into “Additional event questions” to be asked of all events. Additional specification added to Surgical or other invasive procedure and HAI. 2014: Prompt updated. January 2015: updated “Unintended retained foreign object” to “Unintended retained foreign object (includes retained surgical items).” April 2016: Fixed omitted word “communication” in answer option “Failure to follow up or communicate laboratory, pathology, or radiology test results.” |