Device, equipment, or supply factors (ASC, Hospital)

Device, equipment, or supply factors (ASC, Hospital)


Determination of which contributing factor(s) related to devices, equipment, or supplies are known.

On-Screen Instructions

Field Type



The availability, or lack thereof, of a device, equipment, or supply contributed to the event.


Device, equipment or supply:

  • Not adequately stocked

  • Not available when needed

  • Not accessible when needed

  • Not available

  • Available when it should not have been


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The design of a device, equipment, or supply, regardless of how it functions, contributed to the event.


  • Device or equipment display or controls not well-designed, difficult to read, or difficult to program

  • Device, equipment or supply awkward to use correctly

  • Device, equipment, or supply did not have built in safety features


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Function (e.g., defective, non-working)

The function of a device, equipment, or supply, regardless of how it is designed, contributed to the event. Function includes devices or supplies that are defective, non-working, or do not meet code.


  • Defective or non-working device, equipment, or supply (including defective or dysfunctional alerts)

  • Device display or controls not functioning;

  • Broken or defective device, equipment, or supply that was awaiting repair contributed to the event


  • Device, equipment, or supply that functioned as intended, but whose design contributed to the event (select “Design”)

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Routine maintenance, or lack thereof, of a device, equipment, or supply contributed to the event.


  • Device, equipment, or supply did not meet code, specifications, or regulations

  • Inadequate maintenance log

  • Inadequate or delayed maintenance

  • Inadequate cleaning or sterilization


  • Broken or defective device, equipment, or supply that was awaiting repair contributed to the event (select “Function”)

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Manufacturer shortage of a device, equipment, or supply contributed to the event.


  • Device, equipment, or supply not readily available due to a manufacturer shortage

  • Medication supply shortages


  • Failure to properly stock supplies (select “Availability”)

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Use or selection by healthcare provider or staff

The incorrect use or inappropriate selection of a device, equipment, or supply by a healthcare provider or staff member contributed to the event.


  • Provider or staff member did not use the device, equipment, or supply correctly

  • Provider or staff member did not select the correct device, equipment, or supply for the task at hand


  • Device, equipment, or supply did not function properly (select “Function”)

  • Design of the device, equipment, or supply prohibited the provider or staff from using the device correctly (select “Design”)

  • Device, equipment, or supply was used incorrectly by a patient (select “Use by patient”)

  • Wrong device, equipment, or supply was selected for use by a patient (select “Use by patient”)

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Use by patient

The selection of a device, equipment, or supply for use by a patient was incorrect or the patient used the device incorrectly.


  • Device, equipment, or supply was used incorrectly by a patient

  • Wrong device, equipment, or supply was selected for use by a patient


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Other (please describe)

Any other factor related to the device, equipment, or supply, not included in the list above, contributed to the event.


  • Recalls


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Guide for Use


Start Date


End Date


Change History

January 2016: Changed “Function” and “Function (including device failure)” to “Function (e.g., defective, non-working)”; added “Shortage”, “Use or selection by healthcare provider or staff”

Field Name
