Versions Compared


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  • Reviewing records

  • Interviewing staff and providers

  • Entering data

  • Completing a report

  • Preparing for review meeting

  • Attending meetings—calculate the person hours for any meeting by multiplying the number of people at the meeting by the length of the meeting in minutes, and dividing by 60 (e.g., 4 people X 20 minute meeting = 80 minutes; 80 minutes/60 minutes per hour = 1.3 hours).


The Resident Care Manager (RCM) investigating a fall spent 15 minutes reviewing records, 1.5 hours talking with staff and providers about the incident, 1.5 hours talking with the patient and family, 45 minutes logging/entering all of the information, 1 hour preparing for the review meeting, and 1 hour in the review meeting, which was attended by the pharmacist, physical therapist, and two nursing staff in addition to the RCM.
