These child pages contain excerpt macros that allow us to edit re-usable text in one location but use it on many different pages. This page displays the content of those macros all in one place.
Automatically assigned
n/a (automatically assigned by PSRP online system)Check all that apply
Select all that apply.Checkbox
Checkbox (multiselect)Dropdown
Dropdown (single select)Harm algorithm link
PSRP Harm Categories and Algorithm (pdf)Made required when triggered
Made required when triggered.Multiple patients
If you are reporting an event that impacted multiple patients, please complete a separate form for each patient with their specific demographic data. Other sections of the form may be copied and pasted. If you have questions about this procedure, please contact OPSC staff.No additional guidance
No additional information provided.Other selection text
If “Other” is selected, a text box for a description will also appear.Radio Button
Radio button (single select)Select only one
Select one.Serious event
This event type is always considered a reportable event, regardless of level of patient harm.Staff contact info
Error rendering macro 'include' : com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroException: No page title provided.