What was the extent of harm to the patient?
The extent of harm to the patient after discovery of the incident and any attempts to minimize adverse consequences.
On-Screen Instructions
Which best describes the extent to which the patient’s functional ability is expected to be impaired, based on your present assessment of the patient’s future condition attributable to the event, taking the likely effects of treatment into account?
Field Type
Severe harm: bodily injury (including pain or disfigurement) that interferes significantly with functional ability or quality of life
Moderate harm: bodily injury adversely affecting functional ability or quality of life, but not at the level of severe harm
Mild harm: minimal symptoms or loss of function, or injury limited to additional treatment, monitoring, and/or increased length of stay
Guide for Use
If you cannot decide between two categories that you believe both apply, select the one that is higher on the list.
Start Date | 2012 |
End Date | n/a |
Change History | n/a |
Field Name | extent_harm |
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